Knowing What is Causing the Problem
At our Hillingdon chiropractic centre, we will work with you to find the root of your pain, whether it be in the form of sciatica, back, neck, muscle pain, or any other musculoskeletal condition. Once we have been able to identify this, we can use our specialist expertise to decide what treatment will be best in restoring you back to active and healthy motion.
Why Does Back Pain Occur?
Your brain, spinal cord and nervous system all control how your body functions. As a result, physical, chemical and mental stresses can cause the tension and distortion of your spine and its surrounding muscles, ligaments and tissues. This can often lead to aches, pains and sickness for the individual. If left untreated, these can worsen over time. It is therefore always advised to seek medical advice as soon as possible following the emergence of these pains.
When your body is not functioning in its optimum state, your muscles will contract and your joints will begin to seize. This can result in pinched or irritated nerves, which can range from being uncomfortable to extremely painful. This will then begin to affect the integrity of your health, as a person’s nervous system is fundamental to their body’s daily functioning, as well as a person’s wellbeing.
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