Neck pain is sadly a common occurrence. Poor posture, illness or injury can all be contributing factors and unfortunately, due to an increase in the types of jobs which require us to sit at desks, rounding our spines possibly more so than we should, more and more of us are suffering from this type of pain. An issue which is painful in itself, if left untreated can result in headaches, migraines and issues which spread further down the back.
Freeing Yourself from Neck Pain
Here at The Health Lodge we are a dedicated in helping our clients gain freedom from pain and keep their spines as healthy as possible. One completely safe and effective way of treating misalignments in the spine is the tailored use of chiropractic treatment. This is often the ideal way to release tension in the spine and help to realign the vertebras, which subsequently causes neck pain to subside.
Finding the Root of Your Pain
Chiropractic treatment focusses on finding the root of the pain, which in some instances may be seemingly unconnected and residing in a different part of the body altogether. Once this has been determined the spine can be gently, manually realigned.
As every person is different and our bodies respond differently to both treatment and day to day stresses, we tailor our care to each individual in order to get the best results. This means that you may need one or more courses of treatment, or there may be another complimentary therapy that can help strengthen your body and prevent further injury happening later on. These can include Osteopathy as well as massage therapy.
Our expert team are able to assess and advise on the right way to get your body back in its best condition.
Get in touch today or book a free health check to find out more and start your journey to pain free living.