
As hard as some exercise and healthy living may feel at the time, we can all recognise the great feeling of clarity we feel when we complete a great work out or put effort into eating well for a few days. It is sometimes easy to forget that a fit body makes for a sharp mind, and when one is neglected the other suffers too. Keeping our bodies in good health is a great way of boosting both our mental health and also keeping our brains sharp and focussed. To keep things in balance why not try a few of these handy tips.

Work it out

Exercise is the key to a healthy brain. Not only does it get the blood pumping around the body and make us feel energised and revitalised, but it also releases great mood-boosting endorphins which make us feel comfortable and relaxed. This mix of happy hormones and oxygenated blood help to make us feel switched on and ready to face whatever the day may throw at us. But it’s not only heavy gym workouts that can benefit us. Something as simple and low key as a walk in the fresh air or a soothing yoga workout can make us feel fantastic.

Choose the right nutrition

What we fuel our bodies with can play a great role in how we feel. Not getting the right vitamins and minerals can result in feeling lethargic and under the weather. While we are often keen to keep an eye on what we eat in order to look our best, it is also a surefire way to feeling sharper and more switched on. As well as adding in lots of nutrient-rich foods to your diet, pay attention to possible reactions to allergens such as certain grains, dairy and additives that may make you feel a little worse for wear. Allergies and intolerances often affect both the body and mind, making the sufferer feel run down and tired. Drinking enough water can also help to give a feeling of clarity so it’s a good idea to keep an eye on hydration when you start to feel a bit foggy.

Take a deep breath

It’s not always about adding more to your plate, sometimes simply some time out can do wonders for you both physically and mentally. Practising meditation may also be beneficial as it not only allows the body to go into a deeply restful state but also allows some space for the mind to quieten and get rid of the stresses of the day. Try a class or apps such as Headspace are great to try at home.

At The Health Lodge, we are dedicated to making our clients feel the best that they can and it is because of this that we offer a number of different treatments and programmes, inclusive of personal rehabilitation, that can be tailored to suit each individual. Our treatments are designed to be beneficial for both the body and mind and we believe that both are as important as each other.

To find out about the different services we have on offer or if you simply want to find out more about how we can help you feel your very best, get in touch with our friendly staff today.

Dr Louise Chiasson-Baxter*, Doctor of Chiropractic. Clinical Director, Spinal Specialist. 

*Marie Lucie Louise Chiasson-Baxter is a Doctor of Chiropractic and is registered with the general chiropractic council, she is not a registered general practitioner and is not registered with the GMC.