
At The Health Lodge, we care about your general health and well-being. We offer a range of services that can help with a variety of health issues, ranging from chiropractic care to yoga and meditation classes. We want to welcome you into our family and be with you every step of the way on your journey back to good health.

The reality is that many people don’t think about their back health until they start to experience pain. The importance of maintaining a healthy back and spine can not be underrated, especially in helping to prevent future painful problems.

At The Health Lodge, we want to do all we can to make you the healthiest and happiest version of yourself that you can be. This is why we have compiled a list of the most important things that can help to maintain a healthy back and spine.

  1. Exercise, exercise, exercise.
    This one can’t be stated enough. Exercise is essential when it comes to maintaining your back health, especially in regard to stretches that strengthen and condition the back and spine. Exercise is also a majorly important contributor to your overall health and wellbeing.
  2. Mindful Meditation.
    Sometimes, back pain can occur from the stresses of daily life and subsequent negative thoughts. Taking the time out of your busy day to engage in mediation could make all the world of difference to your back health. If you would like more information about the Yoga and Meditation classes that we offer at The Health Lodge, please click here.
  3. Posture.
    Keeping a good posture can improve the alignment of your spine and in turn, help to maintain a healthy back. If you can try to avoid slouching at the office desk, walk with your head held high and shoulders back, and focus on breathing techniques that decrease stress, then your back will undeniably thank you for it later.
  4. Massage Therapy.
    Massage therapy has been proven to stimulate blood circulation for a wide range of muscle groups, including the spine. Massage can work on individual muscle fibres to relieve tension and improve body structure. At The Health Lodge, we offer a range of different massage therapies to help with your recovery, including cross-fiction massage, myofascial release and trigger point therapy.
  5. Eat Better, Eat Well.
    Eating healthily doesn’t have to be a chore. Your daily diet plays a greater role in maintaining your back health than a lot of people tend to realise. Eating nutrient, vitamin rich food can help you to maintain a healthy weight, and in turn, put less pressure on your spine. Our nutritional counselling sessions at The Health Lodge can help you to improve your diet and overall wellbeing, by creating a manageable nutritional plan that will best suit your lifestyle.

If you would like any more information about the best way to maintain a healthy back and spine, or if you would like to book in to see one of our specialists, feel free to contact us today.